Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Flash Games - Synapsis Review/Walkthrough

Haha, I know I'm posting reviews up fast, but I'm a fast type of gamer, I can get pretty much, every flash game done in 5-20 minutes. But here's a game that is beyond our spectrum of thinking. It's a little game called Synapsis, it's an adventure game to be exact. When I say, beyond our spectrum of thinking, I mean, you can't fucking understand the game. What I can understand of it, your an office worker or C.E.O, and this box just drops out of no where on your desk. *Walkthrough is in Expand.*


Your first instinctive is probably to start clickin around on it, and that would be right. You gotta click the swirly thing then press the front of the box, which then eats you fuckin' whole. You end up in this weird looking world, with 3 rooms on your left, 1 on your right, and a1 way forward. You gotta go into the first room with the robot lookin thing on the picture door. Pick up the Jerry Can, the Wrench, the Gear on the far right, and the Nut on the far left. Pop the power station open with the wrench, put the nut in it. Pour gas into the nozzel on top of the power station, and put the gear in the treadmill. Now start it up, and wait for a disk to pop out. Bring the disk up to the light, and just let it sit till it's red, and put it in the robot's eye, and wait for the door to pop open. Go into the door, and move your mouse over all of the black ravens in the picture to get the desk to open, and get the book. Take the candle as well. Go back, and go into the Psycho Room, and pick up the note on the ground to the right. The number on the wall written in blood is 915, or 9:15 so change the clock's time to that. Pick up the razorblade, and use it on the tile that's bottom right corner is kinda edged up. Take the thing inside the hole, and use it on the radio. Take the cross inside, and look in the book. It shows an outline to draw on the wall, so draw it with your cursor, and go into the hole it makes. Basically, just try and get the beams to connect to the center point closest to you, and pick up the brain that starts to float. Go back, and into the church, and put the lit candle on the only pedestal without a candle, which will make all the candles some how light up, little bit bizzare, don't ya think? Put the cross into the small cross in the water holder thingamajig. Throw the piece of paper into it as well, and a flame will pop up with a beating heart, pick up the beating heart. Go back out and into the subway. Wait for the tram to come by, and open the door with the panel. Do this quickly, and pick up the phone on the ground in the train. Look in the book, and memorize the number or write it down. It's different for every game, but call the number, and just listen to the guy, and wait for a hatch to open in the tram way. Go down it, open up the panel, and put the heart into it, and go back to the huge room with all the doors. Go upto the circular door type thing far forward. Open the panel, and put the brain it, and then enjoy the ending, and try and figure it out, because I can't fucking understand it.

I'd give this game a 5/5, it's an excellent flash game, that anyone should play for the experience alone, even though it is BAT-SHIT INSANE! Hope to get one more review up tonight guys.

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