Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Flash Games - Whack Your Boss

Whack Your Boss is an interesting little game, that I had heard about quite a while ago. A lot of people said it was super funny, like when you throw your boss out the window. So I finally decided to see what was so special about it, and boy, were they right. So, the game starts off with you in your office working, and your boss comes in. He talks about you not doing a good job, not meeting your quota and all that shit you have to do for office jobs. Now, the game straight out tells you, you have 16 ways to kill your boss in this office, and you gotta find 'em all to beat the game. Now, most people would just roam there mouse around the screen looking for all the stuff to see the funny death animations, which, are indeed funny, and a very good tactic, but some people like to search for them, which is fine. But, most of the death animations usually end up having you beat your boss to death, stab him, or run him out the window. So, there isn't a lot of variety other then using different objects of the sort. The game takes maybe 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and it's only worth playing for the laughs. The ending is pretty gay too, but you can't expect much from a flash game. *The Ending is in Expand*


The ending is basically that you were dreaming, and a dream bubble pops up from your head, and it shows you holding your boss's head.

I'd give this game a 2/5, only because it may make you laugh, or let you take out your frustration.

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